Istanbul is Coming!

So I left off my Turkey journal on Day 14 just as I was getting ready to head to Istanbul.

My original intention was to post nightly in Istanbul as I had in Gonen – but things changed.

Every night when I came back to the hotel – I was very very tired.

I work hard – I play hard – and there just wasn’t enough energy to do it justice.

Now that a few months have passed and I am ready to tackle the stories from my notes, memories, and photographs.

But before I do – I have news – big news!  I have been invited back to Turkey this summer to again work in Gonen on the archeological survey.  However while I am there I am planning to spend another 2 weeks in Istanbul where it is my intention to create a book and film entitled “The Magic of Istanbul”.

I have setup a Kickstarter project to help raise the funds for the project.  For those who don’t know Kickstarter – it is a way that people can raise funds for a project by offering various rewards for different pledge amounts.  Its a unique fundraising system because unless the entire goal is raised (in this case $19,500) the project doesn’t get funded at all and then no money changes hands. For this project I have created pledge rewards of photographs, copies of the book, copies of the Blue-ray/DVD, as well as various production credits. Update: The Kickstarter goal was not reached.

For this (my third) expedition to Istanbul I have put together an intense itinerary that includes all of the major hotspots (and a day excursion to Cappadocia).  I will also be bringing with me a professional writer & cameraman. The funds go for the travel and post production expenses.

Here is a video which includes some highlights images from last expeditions to Istanbul.