Scotland 2015: Day 9

Breakfast time! Salmon & bacon with a fried egg – yum! The salmon is under there.
This place is amazing! Historic #5 – Harris Tweed
Oh the temptation – I wasn’t prepared!  I never thought about purchasing tweed by the bolt!
The temptation got even worse. Regretfully the sports coats weren’t cut for me and were also very expensive.
No hats for me either! It didn’t fit right. Oh, and I need a shave!
Wow. This antique loom was crazy! I wish I could spend more time in Harris.
Calanais Standing Stones – Prehistoric #4. These were huge standing stones. 
It’s an Iron Age fortress and it’s glorious – Castle #19 – Dun Carloway.
I was going to take the main road but a guy at the last place told me to take the straight road across the Moore instead. Good advice.
A long ferry ride back to the mainland, then a long drive, then a short ferry ride. Then another long drive.
I am racing across Scotland now. It’s pretty barren up here.
What is this flower??
This is where I’m spending the night! Castle #20!! Dornoch Castle Hotel.
It is a whiskey hotel, and this is only part of what you can order!
This is the most expensive whiskey I could find in the case. I was told there was more expensive but I couldn’t find it and 150GBP per glass is pretty steep as it is!
Dinner was yummy – why have I never had Scottish oat cakes before this trip??
While most hotel rooms have have tea and cookies. And I love the cookies. This is the first that came with a glass of sherry!
Scotland 2015 Totals
Days: 9
Prints: 4
Castles: 20
Churches: 6
Historic: 5
Nature: 7
Prehistoric: 4
Map Day 9: Harris to Dornoch